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Josam Technology Helps Oto Vanguard Stay Ahead of Competition

Josam Technology Oto Vanguard

One could see how confident Oto Vanguard Sdn Bhd is with the Josam technology from its company profile brochure. Instead of a brief introduction of the company’s background, Oto Vanguard puts a strong focus on its state-of-the-art Josam heavy duty truck frame, axle and wheel alignment equipment.

Oto Vanguard Stays Ahead of Competition with Josam Technology

“We were not a one-stop collision repair centre when we started. At that time, we had to rely on third party help for some repair jobs. The problem that we encountered was the mechanics couldn’t get the damaged vehicle to its original factory specifications. When we consulted them, the answer given was that the vehicle was knocked before and it was impossible to return it to the original or close to the factory specs. This made me wonder why the overseas collision repair specialist is able to do so, which led me to seek for a solution,” said Oto Vanguard founder K.H. Lee.

With the Josam truck frame repair system, he said the company could restore the frame of even the most severely damaged truck, trailer or cab frame regardless of size, without the vehicle being declared a total loss.

Saves time, manpower and improves accuracy

“It really helps us to speed up about 50 to 60 per cent of our truck frame repair process compared to the traditional method that uses strings and rulers to measure the frame. We are not just saving time, but also manpower. Previously we needed about 6 workers to perform the job, but now it could be done with only 2. Experience is not so essential with this advanced system as long as the workers have the skill to operate it. In addition, the accuracy of frame alignment is more than 90 per cent.”

Besides that, he pointed out that the user interface for Josam truck frame repair system was easy to understand with clear icons and figures, which guided the operator through the measuring procedure. This made it user friendly and there were no barriers even for those from low literacy levels.

Manbeni Machine Tools (M) Sdn Bhd, the sole distributor of Josam products in Malaysia, would provide our staff with basic training and troubleshooting support. Normally, after attending to 3 trucks, our staff is able to handle the entire process confidently,” he added.

He explained that most of the components used in Josam frame straighteners were made of a special aluminium alloy, making them lightweight, strong and easy to handle.

“It is worth mentioning that the system has wide applications and is able to repair and straighten all types of heavy vehicles, including low loader trailers that other brands couldn’t handle. In fact, we find it applicable for other heavy industrial equipment as well. We have used it to repair and straighten a container crane before. The customer requested us to fix it and deliver in 2 days and we managed to deliver to them in only 1 day.”

Handles low-loader trailer truck frame repair confidently

Another advantage, he said, was that it used push forces compared to the conventional method that used pulling forces. The pulling of the metal chain during the frame strengthening process had elevated risk compared to the Josam truck frame repairing system as the metal chain could be disconnected or break. In short, the Josam truck frame repairing system was ideal for restoring the frame to its original shape quickly, easily and safely.

Lee claimed that the company was among the very first few workshops in Johor that used the Josam truck frame repair system. At the moment, he said, there were only 5 Johor workshops that were equipped with this system.

The company also uses other Josam products such as Josam wheel alignment system and induction heating system. “With the Josam wheel alignment system, we are able to perform wheel alignments on a wide range of equipment from 2 wheels up to 6 axles, which no other brands could compete on. This includes all vehicles including trucks, buses, articulated buses, trailers, semi-trailers, transporter vehicles and complete carriages (truck and semi- trailer). As for the Josam induction heating system, it offers an effective and reliable method in heating, which results in a cleaner work environment. The risk of damaging cables and such when heating with an open flame is completely eliminated. With good regulating controls, it is easier to achieve the correct temperature, heating depth and size of the heated area as well as retain the features of the material.”

Prior to its formation as a private limited company on 24th September, 1996, Oto Vanguard operated under the name of Top Auto Repairs in the Mount Austin Industrial Estate. Today, the company is a PIAM (Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia) authorised workshop and the main contractor for Eon Auto Mark (Mitsubishi) at Jalan Skudai Kiri, Tan Chong Ekspres Auto Service, Nasim Sdn Bhd Johor (Peugeot), DMM (M) Sdn Bhd Johor (Perodua and trucks), Volvo Malaysia Sdn Bhd Johor and Shah Alam (Trucks) as well as the Sendok Group for collision repairs. It also provides 24 hours breakdown and accident claim services.

“Johor’s proximity to Singapore, the rapid growth of Iskandar Malaysia, coupled with the RM170-billion Pengerang Project (Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex) and data centre at Sedenak offer good growth prospects and business opportunities for the transportation and logistics industry. To be able to leverage on these developments, we have to be ready, especially in technology. Investing in and keeping abreast of technological advances and trends will help us maintain a successful operation.”

When asked about future plans, Lee revealed his plan to expand further into the industrial equipment repair and maintenance segment, which he said was a niche market that required experience and expertise.

优胜技术协助Oto Vanguard 保持领先优势

从Oto Vanguard的公司简介册上,你可以看得出该公司对优胜(Josam)的技术充满信心。除了公司简介和背景,Oto Vanguard将重点放在尖端的优胜重型卡车车架、车轴及车轮定位设备上。

“一开始,我们并不是一站式碰撞修理中心。当时,我们必须依赖第三方协助我们处理一些修理工作。我们经常碰到的问题是,他们的技术人员无法将撞损的车子恢复到原厂规格。当我们询问他们时,他们的答案是已经撞过的车辆是无法完全复原或靠近工厂规格的。但我不明白的是为什么海外的碰撞修理专家又能做到这点。于是,我在好奇心的驱使下开始去寻找解决方案。”Oto Vanguard创办人李国华表示。



“相较于采用尺和线的传统测量方法,它确实缩短了整个卡车车架修理过程的50 至60% 。 我们不仅节省时间 ,还有人力。以前,我们需要大约6 名员工来处理这项工作,现在只需两名。 有了这个先进的系统,经验不再如此重要,员工 只要懂得如何操作它 就行了。 再者,车架矫正的准确性超过90% 。”









在1996年9月24日成为私人有限公司前,Oto Vanguard曾在位于Mount Austine工业区的Top 汽车修理名下运作。今天,该公司是马来西亚普通保险公会(PIAM)的授权修车厂,也是Skudai Kri路的Eon Auto Mark (三菱)、陈唱快速汽车服务、Nasim私人有限公司(标致)、柔佛DMM(马)私人有限公司(第二国产车和卡车)、富豪马来西亚私人有限公司柔佛与沙亚南(卡车),以及信诺集团授权碰撞修理维修厂。它也提供24小时救援和交通事故索赔服务。

“柔佛靠近新加坡,再加上马来西亚依斯干达的快速增长,1700亿令吉的Pengerang计划(Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex) 和Sendenak数据中心,为物流和运输业带来良好的增长前景和商机。我们必须做好准备,特别是在技术方面,方能从这些发展中获利。唯有投资和拥抱先进的技术和趋势,才能保持一个成功的运营。”


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