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MAN Malaysia Organises Largest Handover to 14 Customers

MAN Malaysia Handover Customers

MAN Malaysia held its largest handover ceremony to date recently. 

Rising Customer Confidence in MAN Low-Emission Truck Solution

MAN Truck & Bus (M) Sdn Bhd held its largest handover ceremony to date recently, in which the company handed over its market-leading Euro V-powered New MAN Trucks to 14 customers from across the country.

Penang-based Juta Cahaya Gemilang Sdn Bhd and Sikap Mawar Sdn Bhd, Kelantan-based Mekar Angkut Sdn Bhd and Pancaran Matahari Logistics Sdn Bhd, Terengganu-based Zha Pengangkutan Sdn Bhd, Johor-based SBK Logistics Sdn Bhd, Negeri Sembilan-based L&R Haulage Sdn Bhd and Klang Valley-based AG Sdn Bhd, Gamalux Sdn Bhd, Gill Logistics Sdn Bhd, NX Transport Service (M) Sdn Bhd, Rani Transport Sdn Bhd, Sidhu Brothers Transport Sdn Bhd and Taipanco Sdn Bhd received the brand-new trucks of various models and specifications from MAN Truck & Bus SE’s Senior Vice President and Head of Sales Area International, Roman Sitte, who was on his inaugural visit to Malaysia.

Ten of the companies were first-time MAN customers, which reflected the growing confidence among logistics industry players in the low-emission truck solution from the German marque.

In November 2021, MAN was the first truck manufacturer in Malaysia to offer Euro V engines as standard across its entire product range in a bold attempt to encourage Malaysian transporters to join the sustainability journey….

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槟城公司Juta Cahaya Gemilang 私人有限公司与Sikap Mawar 私人有限公司丶吉兰丹公司Mekar Angkut 私人有限公司和Pancaran Matahari 物流 私人有限公司、登嘉楼公司Zha Pengangkutan 私人有限公司丶柔佛公司SBK 物流私人有限公司丶森美兰公司L & R 运输私人有限公司,以及巴生河流域公司AG 私人有限公司、 Gamalux 私人有限公司、Gill物流私人有限公司丶NX 运输服务(马)私人有限公司丶Rani 运输私人有限公司丶Sidhu兄弟运输私人有限公司及Taipanco 私人有限公司,从首度造访大马的曼恩商用车高级副总裁兼国际销售负责人席特(Roman Sitte)手中接收了他们各自订购的不同车款和规格的全新卡车。




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