Page 39 - TNB 2024-2
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ence has become standard with coach builders required to to adhere to to these principles Continental chassis suppliers already enforced ESG standards and and some clients also prioritise them These are the the the trends that shape the the the industry’s direction ” Among the different types of buses buses buses in- cluding city city buses buses buses buses buses express buses buses buses buses buses and school buses buses buses buses Khaw identified city city buses buses buses buses as having the the most growth growth potential He attributed this growth growth to the the government initiative and incentives aimed at at at promot- ing public transport use According to Khaw financing and bank support were the two main challenges faced by bus body builders in in in Malaysia "There is minimal solid support from from the the government aside from from the the local procure- ment ment policies " " he he remarked "Greater em- phasis should be placed on on local bus body building and and discontinuing the practice of Semi Knock Knock Down Down (SKD) and and Complete Knock Knock Down Down (CKD) bus bus bodies bodies altogeth- er Allowing CKD CKD and SKD bus bus bodies bodies especially from China could pose signif- icant challenges Instead the government should restrict CKD and SKD practices for local requirements reserving them only for re-export to other countries " Established in in in 2001 PCSB emerged as one of the the leading bus body builders in in in in the the the the country with manufacturing facilities in in Klang Over the the the years the the the company experienced significant growth that is attributed to to its steadfast commitment to to safety reliability and and stringent environ- mental standards 献良多。大马的巴士车身制造 马 “主要的需求来自替换市场,特别是旅 游、长途和城市巴士领域。”他解释 说:“大多数客户对巴士底盘的品牌和车 身制造商都有特定的偏好。” 他指出,市场的竞争主要受供需情况影 响。尤其是在疫情等充满挑战的市场条件 下,有些公司为了争取某个项目来维持生 产而降低价格。 许瑞有强调采用新技术和创新设计,以及 确保良好售后服务的重要性。他说,这些 因素对业者在不断变化的趋势中保持相关 性和蓬勃发展至关重要。 他说,在大马市场,陆路交通局(JPJ) 制定的法规是主要的推手。其他因素则通 常与按客户偏好安装新配件和公司的内部 创新相关。 “在巴士车身制造商行业中,量身打造已 经普遍成为所有客户的要求。我们必须符 合法规,特别是在车身的长度、宽度、高 度和负载能力等方面。此外,遵守环境、 社会和治理(ESG)已成为标准,巴士制造 商必须遵守这些原则。欧洲巴士底盘供应 商已强制符合ESG标准,一些客户也优先 考量了这些标准。这些趋势决定了这个行 业的方向。” 在城市巴士、长途巴士和校车等不同类型 的巴士中,许瑞有认为城市巴士最具增长 潜力。他将这一增长归因于政府激励人民 采用公共交通的措施。 许瑞有表示,融资和银行支持是大马巴士 车身制造商面临的两大主要挑战。“除了 本地的采购政策外,政府提供的坚实支持 可说是微乎其微。我认为政府应更加重 视本地的巴士车身制造业,停止半散装 (SKD)和全散装(CKD)巴士车身的做 法。允许CKD和SKD巴士车身,特别是来自 中国的车身,可能会对本地业者带来重大 挑战。相反地,政府应限制CKD和SKD巴士 车身进入本地市场,仅将其用于再出口到 其他国家的用途。” PCSB成立于2001年,已成为国内领先巴士 车身制造商之一,并在巴生设有制造厂。 该公司多年以来凭借着其对安全、可靠性 和严格环境标准的坚定承诺,发展迅速, 增长显着。 来西亚巴士车身制造商行业对 我国的巴士设计和制造,贡 商,满足了国内从本地公共交通到长途旅 行的广泛需求。 Pioneer Coachbuilders私人有限公司 (PCSB)总经理许瑞有表示,本地巴士车 身制造商的市场相对较小,每年的产量 介于500至1000辆之间,并且会受到季节 性波动的影响。该行业的主要业者包括 Gemilang Coachwork 私人有限公司、SKS Coachbuilders私人有限公司、Terus Maju Service私人有限公司(TMS)及PCSB。 39 truck & bus news 2024/2 

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