Page 17 - TNB 2024-2
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Qiu pointed out Dongfeng's awareness of of the the evolving preferences of of younger drivers particularly those born in in the the late 1990s and and 2000s who prioritised tech- nology music and and advanced navigation systems He said Dongfeng was confi- dent in its ability to meet these demands and and believed that the the features it it it offered far exceeded those found in in Japanese Continental and US vehicles Looking ahead to to this year's plans Qiu stated that the company intended to to in- troduce mini truck models initially fol- lowed by Euro 6 van van and electric van van variants in the the the the latter half of the the the the year Fur- thermore the the the the company planned to un- veil light- and heavy-duty truck models in in the following year Qiu recognises the the strengths of of DFCVM As part of of the the the Sunway Group Group he he he he said that that DFCVM shared the the Group's belief that that that sustainability and and and profitability could go hand hand in in in hand hand a a a a a a a a a a a a philosophy that that res- onated with Dongfeng's values Being a a a a a a a a a a a division under Sunway Trading and Mar- keting Division he he said DFCVM could leverage on on on the division's resources infrastructure network and service plat- form Dongfeng was confident that this strategic alignment offered DFCVM am- ple opportunities to enhance Dongfeng brand's growth “DFCVM has a a a a a professional team equipped with extensive expertise knowledge and experience in in the the commercial vehicle in- dustry The company’s familiarity with the the market and and relevant regulations ensures adept navigation within the industry land- scape Dongfeng’s collaboration with with DF- CVM is is poised for the long term ” he he added In addition Dongfeng acknowledged Sun- way’s approach in in ramping up its transi- tion towards renewable energy to to meet its vision of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 a a a a a a a a a critical step towards a a a a a a a a a a a more sustainable future “Dongfeng has demonstrated its steadfast dedication to sustainability by introducing new-energy vehicles that encompass hybrid electric electric all-electric and and natural gas variants Thus Dongfeng and and DFCVM share a a a a a a a a a a a common commitment to environmental protection underscoring their shared value in in in foster- ing ing a greener world ” DFCVM all set for CKD assembly To facilitate DFCVM's CKD assembly line Qiu elaborated that each model re- quired distinct handling Consequently Dongfeng would send its engineer to to to the factory in in May to to to offer guidance oversee quality control and ensure the seamless integration of every new model assem- bled locally Moreover he he highlighted that CKD production would feature a a a a a a higher percentage of locally sourced compo- nents reducing reliance on on imported spare-parts and alleviating customer con- cerns regarding spare-part spare-part availability He indicated that there were also plans for an an increase in in in the the assembly of Dong- feng's products locally Currently Dongfeng Automobile has a a a a a a a a busi- ness manager manager based in Malaysia He men- tioned that a a a a a a a a a a a a a a service manager manager would arrive in May to support the CKD assembly plant "The deployment of of personnel would align with the the growth and and demand of of the the the the local market market progressing in in phases As the the the market market expands the the the company’s personnel allocation would become in- creasingly detailed Regarding training Dongfeng offers both on-site and over- seas technical training training along with remote training training opportunities " In short Dongfeng's commitment to its collaboration with DFCVM is evident through its strategic plans for the provi- sion of technical support and emphasis on on on on training to to ensure smooth operation and customer satisfaction As both com- panies continue to to to deepen their partner- ship and and adapt to to evolving market de- mands they pave the the the way for sustained growth and and success in in in in the the the the automotive industry within the the country 有两年。收购后的平稳过渡,使该公司得 以在市场上稳健发展。 去年,DFCVM在大马发布了东风轻卡Cap- tain系列。除了投放产品外,该公司也 致力于加强售后服务和提供产品培训。 此外,该公司还计划建立自己的本地装 配线,让客户更容易取得和负担得起其产 品。这些举措与该公司支持客户应对市场 挑战的承诺一致。 《卡客车新闻》有幸采访了东风商用车制 造商东风汽车股份有限公司海外事业部总 经理邱晓军。他正好到大马拜访DFCVM及 大马代理商并进行实地考察。此行旨在了 解本地市场的发展、趋势及要求,为国内 的行业提供更好的支持。 “1969年成立的东风公司,总部位于湖北 武汉,现已发展成为中国最大的国有汽车 制造商之一。我们的产品涵盖乘用车和全 系列商用车,从货车、微型卡车、轻型、 Qiu Xiaojun 亚私人有限公司(DFCVM)已 双 威集团旗下的双威贸易与制造 分部,收购东风商用车马来西 17 truck & bus news 2024/2 

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