Page 12 - TBN-2014-4
P. 12

   Interview – Dato’ Dr. Tam Weng Wah - JKJR
With recent prominent road traffic accidents having hit the headlines, road safety is a hot issue. We had the opportunity to interview Dato’ Dr. Tam Weng Wah, Director General of JKJR, the Malaysia Road Safety Depart- ment and were able to discuss what the Agency plans to do to further minimise accidents on Malaysian roads.
Truck and Bus News
Please provide us with some figures on the number of ac- cidents involving commercial vehicles. Is this number on the rise?
Dato’ Dr. Tam Weng Wah
There is a perception that there has been an increase in ac- cidents but actually the figures are quite stable. Of course, at times when there is a big accident then the figures go up, but if you look at the underlying trend, accident rates are at a stable level.
There is also a misconception that trucks and buses are a ma- jor cause of death on the roads. This is not true and we want to correct this misconception. Fatalities of bus and truck drivers/ occupants make up less than 5% of total deaths on the road. There has recently been a rise due to a couple of big accidents but it is true to say that commercial vehicles are not a major contributor to fatal accidents.
Nevertheless, we are very concerned with the level of fatalities due to road crashes. Therefore we are intensifying our road safety campaigns with a vision of ultimately achieving zero fa- talities.
Truck and Bus News
What are some of the main causes of accidents involving com- mercial vehicles and how can they be minimised?
Dato’ Dr. Tam Weng Wah
The main causes of accidents tend to come down to the human factor. For commercial vehicles, the main question is how to reduce the accident rate.
For us, the key solution is for companies to manage fleets in a way that will have an impact on drivers. A positive example of this is Scania, who provide facilities for drivers to rest. An em- phasis on awareness of ways to reduce accidents has to come from top management. There is also a role for associations to help with this.
It is worth pointing out that good safety awareness can have a positive cost implication too. If drivers drive properly, fleets can save money in terms of spare parts or maintenance, fuel
10 truck & bus news › 2014/4
  Dato’ Dr. Tam Weng Wah
随着严重的交通事故频频登上报纸头条,道路 安全成了热点问题。我们很荣幸地能够有机 会采访大马道路安全局总监拿督谭荣华博 士,谈谈该部门进一步减低交通事故的计划。
一般的错误观念是卡车与巴士是造成死亡车祸的主因。 但这不是事实,我们要更正这种错误的观念。卡车与巴 士司机/驾乘者,占车祸死亡总数不到5%。最近发生了 好几起大车祸,造成事故数字有所上升,但商用车并非 死亡车祸的主因。
死亡率。 1 21/07/2014 15:54:18

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