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Shenzhen to Host Automechanika Shanghai 2022

Shenzhen Automechanika Shanghai 2022

The 17th edition of Automechanika Shanghai will move to the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center as a special arrangement.

Automechanika Shanghai 2022 is All Set for Take-Off

The 17th edition of Automechanika Shanghai will move to the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center from 20 to 23 December 2022 as a special arrangement. The relocation provides participants with more flexibility in their planning and will allow the fair to meet the industry’s expectations for in-person trade and business encounters.

Fiona Chiew, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said: “As the organisers of such a highly influential show, our top priorities are to protect the wellbeing of participants and stimulate market activity. Therefore, holding this year’s fair in Shenzhen is an interim solution while the market in Shanghai continues to evolve. It is a sound alternative for Automechanika Shanghai thanks to the city’s position in the automotive industry and the venue’s integrated trade fair amenities.”

Li Zhang, General Manager of China National Machinery Industry International Co Ltd, commented: “On top of speaking to a number of supporting organisations and partners, we understand that many exhibitors and buyers are eager to reconnect. The determining factors for the relocation of this year’s show are the feedback from our customers and the market information that we have carefully examined. I would like to thank all our stakeholders for seconding the move and look forward to welcoming you all to the show in Shenzhen.”

Shenzhen is a technology hub contributing to the Greater Bay Area automotive manufacturing cluster. As one of China’s leading business complexes in the region, the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center will play host to Automechanika Shanghai – Shenzhen Edition. The facility offers state-of-the-art infrastructure that can house the show’s expected 3,500 exhibitors from 21 countries and regions.

The event is organised by Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd and the China National Machinery Industry International Co Ltd (Sinomachint).

2022 年 Automechanika Shanghai 移师深圳举行

鉴于与会各方需要按时高效地推进展会各项筹备工作,主办方经过反复考 量和多方沟通,第 17 届 Automechanika Shanghai 将作特别安排,移 师深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)隆重举行,新展期定于 2022 年 12 月 20 至 23 日。本届 Automechanika Shanghai — 深圳特展将满足汽车产 业业内人士对实体展会面对面商贸对接的热切需求,同时确保为与会各方 提供最优参会方案。

法兰克福展览(香港)有限公司副总经理周劭阑表示: “Automechanika Shanghai 是汽车行业深具影响力的展会,我们作为主 办方,首要任务旨在保障与会者的健康安全的同时,着力提振市场士气并 激发行业信心。考虑到目前情况,本届展会特别移师深圳举办。事实上, 深圳近年大力支持汽车产业发展,配合深圳国际会展中心的完善设施和规 模,为 2022 年 Automechanika Shanghai 的举办提供了最佳的替代方 案。”

中国机械国际合作股份有限公司总经理张力表示:“一直以来,我们 与展会的支持单位及合作伙伴保持着良好的沟通,参展企业及专业观众均 表达了对商务交流的殷切需求。通过对参展商及市场信息的综合调研,我 们慎重决定将本届展会暂移至深圳举办。作为主办方之一,我们非常感谢 与会各方的理解与支持,感激特殊时期与我们并肩前行的业界同仁,期待 12 月与大家在深圳共议行业发展之路。”

深圳是华南地区科技创新之城,也是粤港澳大湾区汽车产业集群的重要技术中心。深圳国际会展中心作为本届 Automechanika Shanghai — 深圳特 展的主办场地,是目前国内领先的大型会展综合体之一,将为展会来自 21 个国家及地区的约 3,500 家海内外参展企业,提供先进的基础设施和完 善的配套服务。 Automechanika Shanghai — 深圳特展由法兰克福展览(上海)有限公司 和中国机械国际合作股份有限公司联合主办。

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