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Pearl Castle Group Invests in Ten New Actros 6×2 Prime Movers

Pearl Castle Group Actros Prime Movers

Pearl Castle has invested in ten brand new Mercedes-Benz Actros 6×2 prime movers from Hap Seng Trucks Distribution.

Hap Seng Trucks Distribution Handovers Mercedes-Benz Actros Prime Movers to Pearl Castle

Lukut, Port Dickson – based transport company Pearl Castle has invested in ten brand new Mercedes-Benz Actros 6×2 prime movers from Hap Seng Trucks Distribution to expand its 70-strong fleet of vehicles servicing the petroleum, water supply and construction sectors.

Pearl Castle has been a customer of Hap Seng Trucks Distribution for the last four years, and, according to Mr. Puvaneswaran a/l Asaithamby, Managing Director of Pearl Castle, the company is highly satisfied with the service it has received from HSTD as well as with the quality of the trucks.

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