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Iveco and the Alpega Group Sign European Partnership Agreement

Iveco Alpega Group Agreement

​Iveco has signed an agreement with the Alpega Group, a global leader in logistics software, for the combined use of freight exchange services.

Optimising Haulier Productivity

The two companies, both known for their commitment to sustainability and their constant drive to reduce CO2 emissions, are joining forces to provide Italian and Spanish hauliers with the tools to improve their productivity. The project will subsequently be extended to the other European markets.

Through the easy access to Teleroute and Wtransnet freight exchange services offered by Iveco, haulage companies will be able to manage their own trucks more efficiently, with the aim of reducing unladen journeys and, therefore, their carbon footprint.

Fabrizio Conicella, Global Head of Digital & Adv Technology Commercial & Specialty Vehicles, said: “In this partnership with Alpega, Iveco confirms its resolution to provide haulage companies with a wide range of digital services designed to improve business and increase the productivity of vehicles whilst reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.”

Speaking about the agreement, Verónica Rodríguez, Head of Brand at the Alpega Group, commented: “This agreement with Iveco is perfectly in line with the values of our group. Both companies are extremely committed to reducing their carbon footprint. For this reason, we want to offer Iveco customers a platform where they can find immediate loading offers and, therefore, remove the financial and environmental costs caused by empty journeys.”

Teleroute and Wtransnet are part of the largest transportation community in Europe, with more than 85,000 operators connected daily, in real time. Carriers and logistics operators thus find a safe space for collaboration, where all members are thoroughly checked, with subsequent optimisation of routes and improved profit margins.

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