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Go Auto-Higer Ace Commercial Van Now Available in Malaysia

Go Auto-Higer Ace Malaysia

Go Auto-Higer Ace is the first brand for Go Automobile Manufacturing commercial vehicle range and was launched late last year.

Go Auto Made its Debut in Malaysian CV Market

Go Automobile Manufacturing Sdn Bhd (GAM),the manufacturing arm of Go Auto Group of Companies, recently launched its commercial vehicle, Go Auto-Higer Ace, at IOI Citymall Putrajaya.

Go Auto-Higer Ace is the first brand for this company’s commercial vehicle range and was launched late last year by Dato’ SM Azli Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin, Executive Director of Go Auto, in an event witnessed by Dato’ IR Mohamad Dalib, former director of Automotive Engineering, Road Transport Department.

The launch marked Go Auto’s entry into the commercial vehicle market with 18-seater and 15-seater models that have a roomy cabin with features to provide comfort for passengers and turn ‘every ride into a wonderful journey’. It comes in 2 variants – 3.0L and 2.5L engine – with prices ranging from RM138,500 to RM145,000 in Peninsular Malaysia.

Go Auto-Higer Ace is our commercial van with 18- and 15-seater capacity that is fitted with 6- and 5-speed manual transmissions, and DK5 and DK4 high performance engines with Japanese technology. The dual sliding door design makes it easier for passengers to move in and out of the van. The van also has safety features in the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD) to ensure protection for the driver and passengers. The Go Auto-Higer Ace also features heavy duty components that are usually catered to buses such as the axles, clutches and propeller shaft,” said Dato’ Azli.

“We would like everyone to experience the comfort offered by our Go Auto-Higer Ace van. The van was designed to suit the needs and demands in the industry, and could be customised to serve as a school van, employee transporter, ambulance and more depending on what our clients want. In addition, the high roof window van ensures interior spaciousness so that passengers could move about inside without having to bend too much. As a result, it provides a pleasurable experience and drive,” he continued.

In dimensions, the Go Auto-Higer Ace is 5990mm long, 1880mm wide, 2285mm tall and has a wheelbase of 3720mm. With its 200mm ground clearance, it not only provides adequate ride height when going over rough terrain or bumps but also elevated visibility for the driver.

“Moving forward, our master plan for commercial vehicles is to provide a comprehensive range of public and private transportation solutions such as narrow vans, coasters, minibuses and coaches. On our collaboration through manufacturing the Go Auto-Higer Ace, we have used the technology acquired from Higer, China to produce our commercial vehicles,” added Dato’ Azli.

“We target to sell 400 units in 2019. To-date, Go Auto has 3 master dealers in Car2U Sdn Bhd, Ang Trading & Motor Credit Sdn Bhd and KEC Sdn Bhd. We plan to expand our network to 12 sales outlets and 37 service outlets nationwide, and they are in different stages of implementation,” he said.

Customers get to enjoy a 5-year or 150,000km warranty for private registration.

Go Auto-Higer Ace 商用客货车大马上市

Go Automobile Manufacturing私人有限公司(GAM),Go Auto集团公司,近日于布城IOI Citymall 推介其商用车— Go Auto-Higer Ace。

Go Auto-Higer Ace是该公司的第一个商用车品牌系列,去年年底由拿督SM阿芝利(Dato’ SM Azli Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin )在前陆路交通局汽车工程总监拿督莫哈末达立(Dato’ IR Mohamad Dalib)的见证下推介。

这次推出的Go Auto-Higer Ace 有18座和15 座两种厢式客货车,标志着Go Auto正式迈入商用车领域。此6速及5速手排客货车,空间宽敞,乘坐起来非常舒适,宣称可将每一次的乘坐变成一个美妙的旅途。它推出3.0 升和2.5升引擎,西马价格介于138,500 至145,000令吉之间。

“Go Auto-Higer Ace是我们的18 座和15座,6速及5速商用货车,搭载日本工艺的DKS和DK4编号的高性能引擎。它们配有双滑门设计,使乘客更容易上下车。安全配备包括防锁死制动系统(ABS)和电子制动力分配(EBD),确保司机和乘客的安全。Go Auto-Higer Ace拥有迎合巴士的重型组件如车轴、离合器及螺旋轴。”拿督阿芝利表示。

“我们希望每个人都能体验一下Go Auto-Higer Ace客货车的舒适性。该客货车适合作为学生车、员工运输车、救伤车等,也可按客户的需求而打造。此外,此高顶玻璃窗客货车拥有宽敞的内部,乘客在车内走动时,无需过度弯身。为此,它可提供舒适的乘坐和驾驶经验。”他继续说。

Go Auto-Higer Ace车身长5990 mm、宽1880mm、高2285mm,轴距为3720mm。车辆离地间隙为200mm,不仅在路经崎岖地形和减速垄时可提供足够的乘驾高度,也可提升司机的能见度。

“未来,我们的总体计划是提供一个更全面的商用车系列和私人运输解决方案如窄货车、过山车、迷你巴士及长途巴士。我们在制造Go Auto-Higer Ace商用车时采用了中国海格(Higer)的技术。 ”拿督阿芝利表示。

“我们计划在2019年销售400辆。截至目前为止,Go Auto旗下有3家主要的代理—Car2U 私人有限公司、Ang Trading & Motor Credit私人有限公司,以及KEC私人有限公司。我们计划分阶段展开扩展网络的计划,我们的目标是在全国设立12家销售分店和37家维修分店。”他说。

客户将享有5年或150,000 公里的保固期。

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