Page 7 - TNB 2024-2
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In addition to the Anti-lock Braking Sys- tem tem (ABS) and Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Airbag for the the driver the the Elf Series has Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD) and Anti-slip Regulator (ASR) Moreover its brakes are designed with an an outboard drum configuration to streamline maintenance procedures by eliminating the the need to remove the the hub when replacing brake linings Other features such as the the cabin tilt warn- ing ing ing LED headlights for for ‘superior bright- ness’ during night driving USB port for for driver’s convenience and and central locking with with remote keyless entry and and immobil- iser for added security are available with with the the new Isuzu FVR Smoother truck Chief Executive Officer of Isuzu Malaysia Shunsuke Okazoe said: “The introduction of the the new Isuzu FVR Euro Euro 5 Smoother AMT and Elf Euro Euro 4 trucks demonstrates the the company’s commitment towards the the Isuzu Environmental Vision 2050 car- bon-neutral strategy roadmap that seeks to maintain its leadership in in in in in transporta- tion minimising environmental impact contributing to the development of logis- tics and and building a a a a a prosperous and and sus- tainable society “Isuzu’s wide range of products is highly trusted and and appreciated by customers for the the ability to to deliver outstanding benefits for their logistics business This trust has consistently granted Isuzu the the the accolade of being recognised as the the the top truck brand in in Malaysia for for the the the 10th consecutive year and and light-duty truck brand for for the the 14th consecutive year This is is also a a a a a a a testament that Isuzu understands what its customers need to to to stay competitive and and and resilient in in in adapting to to the evolving landscape ” Isuzu announced that alongside the the the intro- duction of the the the the the new trucks the the the the the company would host the the the the Isuzu Smoother Drive 2024 Programme from 11th to 29th March in- volving Isuzu dealerships nationwide in in in in Ma- laysia This programme combines a a a a a a a a a a a truck roadshow with a a a a a a a a a a a corporate social responsi- bility bility event to demonstrate the the the reliability and performance of the the the trucks as as they travel long distances across Malaysia to to provide assis- tance tance and and support to to underprivileged individ- uals and and elderly care facilities 荷为7 500公斤,后轴则为13 000公斤, 显著提高了批量运输交付的承载能力。 据悉,五十铃Smoother AMT大大提高了驾驶 效率。该变速箱由电子计算机自动控制, 并由变矩器液压系统加以辅助。此系统可 通过操作离合器和节气门来匹配所需的 换档转速。在频繁的停止-启动驾驶环境 中,平稳的换档和一致的扭矩可带来高效 的驾驶。 高度关注安全性的FVR欧5 Smoother AMT 和Elf欧4系列,均搭载五十铃Safety Plus平台,具有全面的主动和被动安全功 能。FVR Smoother配备了防抱死制动系统 (ABS)、驾驶员辅助约束系统(SRS)安全气 囊以及坡道起步辅助功能,以防止车辆从 停车位置重新启动时倒退。 除了驾驶员的防抱死制动系统(ABS)和 SRS安全气囊外,Elf系列还具有电子制动 力分配(EBD)和防滑调节器(ASR)。更 值得一提的是其制动器采用外侧鼓配置, 在更换制动衬片时无需拆卸轮毂,简化卡 车的维护程序。 新款五十铃FVR Smoother卡车的其他功能 有驾驶舱倾斜警告、使夜间驾驶更明亮的 LED前照灯、便利的USB端口及备有中央锁 定门锁的遥控无钥匙启动和防盗锁止器, 使卡车更具安全保障。 马来西亚五十铃私人有限公司首席执行员 冈添俊介(Shunsuke Okazoe)表示:“ 全新五十铃FVR欧5 Smoother AMT和Elf欧 4卡车的面市,正是我们对五十铃环境展 望2050碳中和战略路线图的承诺。该路线 图旨在保持五十铃在运输领域的领先地 位,大幅减少对环境的影响,并为物流发 展做出贡献,建设一个繁荣和可持续发展 的社会。” 他指出:“五十铃的车型类别繁多,能够 为客户的物流业务带来卓越效益,因此受 到客户的高度信任和赞赏。这种信任让五 十铃连续10年获选为马来西亚最畅销的卡 车品牌和连续14年获选为最畅销的轻型卡 车品牌。这也同时证明了五十铃了解客户 需求,能够在不断变化的环境中保持其竞 争力和韧性。” 五十铃还指出,随着新款卡车面市,公 司将于3月11日至29日在马来西亚各个代 理商地点举办“2024年五十铃Smoother Drive”活动。这是一项全国卡车路演和 企业社会责任活动,旨在展示卡车在大马 长途行驶中的可靠性和性能,并为弱势孩 童、残疾人和养老院提供护理和援助。 SDN)中型卡车。这款卡车采用 马 4x2传动系统,符合Euro 5排放标准,并搭 载了6速AMT(自手排变速器)。 这辆新卡车也是最新加入的五十铃卡车系 列的一部分,从轻型卡车到牵引车都配备 了五十铃的Smoother AMT技术,为客户带来 中型卡车范围内自手排变速箱的选择。 除了FVR欧5 Smoother AMT,五十铃还宣 布,最畅销的Elf轻型卡车系列将向客户 提供符合欧4排放标准的卡车系列。 新型FVR Smoother卡车搭载6HK1-TCN 6缸 直列7 8升引擎,动力输出可达240匹/706 牛顿米来驱动后轮(4x2)。五十铃表 示,其所有引擎均可兼容B20生物柴油。 该车型的车辆总重 (GVW)为19吨,前轴载 来西亚五十铃近日推出全新的 五十铃FVR Smoother(FVR34UU- 7 truck & bus news 2024/2 

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