Page 9 - TBN-2016-6
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  户就能决定是否要马上进行所需要的调整或修理,或者之后再将 车辆送过来,这样可有效降低对他们已规划好的业务造成影响。 这些简单和看起来似乎不重要的项目经常被忽略,而它们却往往 就是车子发生故障的罪魁祸首。比如说蓄电池,我们会在车辆每 一次送来维修时,采用最新的电子蓄电池测试仪检查蓄电池情 况,以确保电池状况良好。另一个例子是冷却液的液位,我们也 会检查冷却液的比例,以确定它能有效防止生锈和腐蚀,确保引 擎不会过热或伤害引擎。”他补充说。
将车辆送到斯堪尼亚来维修有很多好处。“我们在设备和工具方面 做了极大的投资。比方说,有一些个案,我们能在客户来到斯堪尼 亚维修厂之前,先下载他们的车辆运行报告,这意味着我们能为客 户提供更迅速和有效的服务,以及更多的正常运行时间。”
此外,他说,他们还能够确保客户安装上规格正确的斯堪尼部件 和取得最新的软件更新。
走过斯堪尼亚位于日落洞山(Bukit Jelutong)总部的修车厂, 你会看到它有多忙碌。据悉,就快达到满负荷运行了。“客户的 反应很热烈。我们很开心地看到越来越多客户选择将车辆送到斯 堪尼亚来维修。 为了确保高效快速的服务,我们会先提前打电话 给客户,为他们预定一个最能配合他们运营的维修时间。”
他进一步表示,新技术改善工作方法。“我们对此的了解,导致 我们看到了进一步提升员工的需要。比如说,车辆故障的根本原 因分析,使我们将预防性评估纳入我们的维修程序中,以降低未 来的故障和停工时间。”
为了确保高品质的专业服务,他说,斯堪尼亚将巨额投资在培训 上。“我们的所有技术人员,包括分行,刚刚完成了他们为期4天 的进修与复习培训。很明显的是,大部分的知识和技能都会随着 时间的推移而被逐渐遗忘 。知识和技能的退化有各种原因,但不 论原因为何,它们都指向同一点,那就是我们需要复习培训!”
这个复习进修课程包含理论和实务培训。内容包括了解车辆,如 何超越维修检验单,看到其他需要注意和维修的地方,以及执 行正确的维修服务。“这个培训可增加技师们的信心,让他们能 够在出现问题时更好地检测到问题所在,确保卡车的安全和‘健 康’。我们深信即便是在我们技师的专门知识以内,有些知识和 技能仍需要复习。 我们将继续这样做,以确保我们能为客户提供 最好的养护和修理服务。”
we have the latest equipment such as the battery tester and wheel drum test.
“Batteries are only occasionally checked over and often not until there is a problem. With the battery tester we are able to check whether the battery is in good condition each time a Scania comes for service. We will also check the coolant level to prevent rust and corrosion from ac- cumulating in the radiator as well as to ensure the engine does not overheat,” he added.
Apart from that, he said customer could also benefit from having superior Scania parts fitted and software updates. A walk through the Scania workshop at its headquarters in Bukit Jelutong, one could see how busy the workshop was, which was said to run at almost full capacity. “The response is good. We are glad to see an increase in the number of customers who choose to maintain their trucks with us. To ensure a quick and efficient service, we will call our customer a couple of days or a week before the vehicle is due for service, and schedule the service that best fit their operations.”
To ensure high quality, professional services, he said Scania invested significantly in training. “All of our me- chanics, including those from our branches, had just finished their 4-day refresher training. It is quite obvious that a fair amount of knowledge and skills fade over time. There may be various reasons for this degradation of knowledge and skills, but whatever the reasons may be, they all point to the need to be refreshed!”
The refresher course consists of classroom (theory) and on-job (practical) training. Its content includes un- derstanding the vehicle, how to look beyond the main- tenance checklist and conducting maintenance service properly. “This will increase their confidence, allowing them to better detect when something is wrong to ensure the safety and well-being of the truck. We believe that some knowledge and skills need to get refreshed, even within the area of our mechanics’ expertise. We will con- tinue to do so to ensure that we provide the best possible maintenance and repair service for our customers.”
 Scania’s mechanic using the battery tester to check whether the battery is in good condition.
7 truck & bus news 2015/6

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