Page 36 - TBN-2013-1
P. 36

   Mock Drill Accident: An Excellent Training Exercise for Lafarge Malaysia and the Local Emergency Responders
 It was a bright and sunny morning, a day just like other normal day. Suddenly, a tanker transporting pulverised fuel ash* lost control and came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road along Jalan Kuala Kangsar, Chemor, Perak, and a hard brak- ing screeching sound could be heard com- ing from the scene. Unfortunately a black Suzuki Swift with four passengers, which was tailing very closely behind the tanker, failed to stop on time and it rammed into the rear of the tanker truck.
As a result of the impact of the collision, the front portion of the car was badly smashed. The car driver appeared seri- ously injured with his scalp partially ripped off, unconscious and trapped in the car. The front car passenger fell out of the car with half of the body dangling out onto the road while the other two rear car pas- sengers suffered serious body injuries. Fortunately, the driver of the tanker truck escaped with minor facial injuries. Some powdered materials were seen spilling from the tanker truck onto the road. It was Thursday, 29 November 2012.
The truck driver alighted from his vehicle and made some telephone calls and swiftly put up safety cones around the scene of the accident. About 10 minutes after the colli- sion, three motorcycles, a fire engine and “Hazmat” from the Fire and Rescue Depart- ment arrived at the scene, followed by the Royal Malaysian Police and an ambulance.
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Road users and passers-by were shocked to see the wrecked condition of the car as well as the extent of the injuries sustained by the victims as the firemen attempted to free the victims from the car. The mem- bers of the Fire and Rescue Department worked tirelessly to get the victims out of the car while the Royal Malaysian Police diverted the built-up traffic and cordoned off the accident site.
Everyone heaved a big sigh of relief when it was made known to the public that the “accident” was merely a mock drill exer- cise carried out jointly by Lafarge Malay- sia and the government agencies.
That was the scenario on that day when Lafarge Malaysia and members of the Fire and Rescue Department of Ma- laysia, the Royal Malaysian Police, the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research, the Department of Environment, Public Works Depart- ment, Road Safety Department and the National Security Council — along with Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun ,Mas- terskill Global Collage, Ipoh Campus and the neighbouring local agencies — per- formed a real-time mock emergency re- sponse exercise.
The purpose of the 45-minute mock drill was to ensure the preparedness for any emergency to allow the rescue teams
模拟交通事故演 习: 大马拉法基与 本地应急反应的 最佳训练
一个如平日一样,阳光明 媚的早晨。一辆载着 粉煤灰*的槽车突然失 控,在一连串刺耳的制动声后,停 在霹雳Chemor瓜拉江沙路的中间。 很不幸的是载着4人,紧紧尾随在 该槽车后面的五十铃Swift,来不 及停止,直接撞向卡车的尾端。
冲击力极大的碰撞导致该辆车的车 头严重撞毁。困在车子里不省人事 的司机看来伤势严重,头皮一半被 扯掉了,血流满面。前座乘客半身 挂在车外,后座的另外两名乘客则 伤势严重。槽车的司机则很幸运, 只是脸部少许擦伤。路上可见从槽 车溅出的原料。那天是2012年11月 29日,星期四。
槽车司机下车后,马上拨了好几 通电话,然后用安全锥将事发现 场围起来。10分钟之后,3辆摩 托车、消防车及消防及救援部 的“Hazmat”来到了现场,紧随着 而来的是皇家警察及一辆救伤车。
当大马拉法基(Lafarge Malay- sia)告诉围观的人说该交通事 故,不过是大马拉法基和政府机构 一同合作的模拟交通事故演习时, 所有人都松了一口气。
这就是当天的情况--当大马拉法 基和大马消防与救援部、皇家警 察、职业安全与健康部、马来西亚 公路安全研究院、环保局、公共工 程部、道路安全部、国家安全议 会、Raja Permaisuri Bainun 医 院、Masterskill全球大学怡保校 园及邻近的本地机构――呈现了一 个实时交通事故应急反应演习。
这个长达45分钟的交通事故演习的 目的,是为了确保所有的应急机

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