Page 75 - TBN-2015-2
P. 75
双赢的结果。 ”
东风商用车有限公司总经理黄刚说:“公司坚持尊重、信 赖、合作、双赢的原则,共享产品平台、制造资源、供应商 资源、国际销售渠道,致力于巩固“东风”品牌商用车国内 领先的同时,努力使之成为全球知名品牌。”
东风商用车有限公司注册资本为人民币92亿人民币,东风汽 车集团持有55%股权,富豪集团持有45%的股权。公司董事会 由七名董事组成,四名来自东风汽车集团,三名来富豪集 团,董事长和总经理由东风汽车集团委派,副董事长由富豪 集团委派。首任董事长由东风汽车集团总经理朱福寿担任, 首任总经理由黄刚担任。
自2013年1月26日,东风汽车集团与富豪集团在北京签订战 略联盟框架协议开始,双方就按照相关法律和法规展开了一 系列的流程审批、合同商谈、业务推进等项目工作。经过紧 锣密鼓地筹备,现已完成中国政府及欧盟的全部审批程序。
经过两年的筹备,东风商用车有限公司完成了从助跑到起 飞,期间双方团队开展了积极的业务互访和讨论,一方面在 高层之间提升战略合作的理解和共识,另一方面在全价值链 加深双方的业务理解,为公司成立后的平稳运营奠定了良好 的基础。
成立大会上,东风商用车有限公司首次披露公司愿景:即 以“实现从中国的东风到世界的东风”为战略愿景,分三步 走:第一步、保持中国领先的卡车品牌地位;第二步、扎根 海外主要增长市场;第三步、进入成熟市场成为全球认可和 尊重的品牌。
东风商用车是中国领先的商用车品牌,正逐步建立覆盖全球 的销售服务网络。东风汽车集团以740亿美元的营业收入在 2014年《财富》世界500强排名113位。2014年,东风汽车集 团旗下的“东风”品牌重型卡车市场占有率为21%,中型卡 车市场占有率为26%,均列行业第一。其中,东风商用车有 限公司中、重卡市场占有率为16%,销量达15万辆。
cially Established
and DFG 55 per cent. The Board of Directors comprises four members from DFG and three from AB Volvo. The Chairman of the Board and President of the company are appointed by DFG, and the Vice Chairman of the Board is appointed by Vol- vo. Zhu Fushou, President of DFG, serves as the Chairman and Huang Gang is the President.
Since DFG and AB Volvo signed the master cooperation agreement in Beijing on January 26, 2013, both parties had worked together to obtain a series of governmental approvals and plan future business projects. To-date, all of the requisite legal approval processes, for both the Chinese government and the EU Commission, had been completed.
DFCV had now completed two years of preparation leading up to the launch, which had encompassed a process of active communication, interaction and discussion with AB Volvo. The two parties had reached a mutual understanding in their stra- tegic alliance. The deepened knowledge in both value chains also laid a solid foundation for the future development of the new company.
At the ceremony, DFCV announced its strategic vision – From Chinese Dongfeng to global Dongfeng – with a three-step roadmap:(1) remain a leading Chinese truck brand, (2) devel- op a solid presence in key growth markets and (3) enter ma- ture markets in due course and become a globally recognised and respected brand.
Dongfeng Trucks is the leading truck brand in China. The company is also in the process of building a global sales and service system. The Dongfeng Motor Group, with its operat- ing revenue reaching USD74 billion, is ranked 113th out of the Fortune Global 500 in 2014. The market share of heavy-duty trucks produced by DFCV is 16 per cent, with the sales reach- ing 150,000 units.
73 truck & bus news 2015/2