Page 22 - TBN-2015-2
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 pressed his confidence that with Mercedes-Benz Services Malaysia (MBSM) that offered customers and dealers of Mercedes-Benz and Fuso with a one-stop and flexible financing options, they would be even more capable of securing their profitable growth.
“Currently, MBSM is offering an auto loan rate that starts from 2.7 per cent and is one of the lowest in the truck market now. This has helped to generate our sales. For the first two months of this year, we already have more than 400 units of our trucks registered with JPJ and a significant number of them were using our financing service.”
Besides that, Yee said, MBM rewarded Fuso customers with extended free scheduled maintenance services (including parts and labour) from 3 to 5 times, covering up to 40,000km or 8 months, whichever came first. For Mercedes-Benz customers, the company offered various main- tenance service contracts at very competitive prices, covering almost everything, except tyres and fuel. To encourage the use of genuine au- tomotive parts, Yee pointed out that MBM offered up to 40-per cent dis- count on selected parts during the campaign period.
MBM would continue its service and retail network expansion this year in tandem with the demand for MBM commercial vehicles.
“We treasure the relationship with our existing dealers as most have been with us for many years. We would look at the location and see whether the area is already covered by existing dealers. Today, we have a wide enough pool of applicants for us to select, especially for the Fuso brand, as many have seen the potential of the brand. Our two 2S (ser- vice and spareparts) Fuso dealers, located in Penang and Batu Pahat, had already upgraded to 3S centre to sell Fuso trucks. We found that they could be more persuasive in turning their routine customers into buyers for us. On the Mercedes-Benz Commercial Vehicles side, we would grow with the existing dealers,” added Yee.
业中唯一一家,在终极抽奖活动中以一辆马赛地轿 车来奖赏客户的公司。这是我们向过去10年来忠心 耿耿的客户表达谢意的方式。”
茹海成接着说,马来西亚马赛地公司在抽奖机制上 做了许多的努力,而2014年扶桑钻石竞赛的大奖得 主不是他们的最大客户,无疑证明了该抽奖的公平 和透明。
“此竞赛是个好平台,除了让我们能够更接近客户 外,也让扶桑的客户知道扶桑与马来西亚马赛地公 司之间存有联盟。所有的扶桑卡车与马赛地卡车一 样,都是在北根(Pekan)组装厂组装而成,确保 了最高的品质标准。最重要的是,在客户以外,我 们还确保每一个人都开心。我们也以维修服务和旅 游代金券奖励代理和销售人员。那些出席终极抽奖 晚宴的,也有机会赢得马赛地手表。”他补充说。
茹海成透露说,随着去年竞赛的成功,该公司将在 今年再次主办2015年扶桑钻石竞赛。举凡在2014年 12月1日至2015年12月31日购买并向马来西亚陆路 交通局(JPJ)注册的扶桑卡车者都可参加。然而 不同的是,去年的竞赛有两次迷你抽奖,今年却只 有一次迷你抽奖和终极抽奖,但奖品总额却比去年 来得高,超过480,000令吉。
询及未来发展计划时,茹海成回答说,马来西亚马 赛地公司渴望为客户提供更好的额外服务。他对马 来西亚马赛地服务公司(MBSM)充满信心,并认为 有了该公司为马赛地和扶桑这两大品牌的代理和客 户提供一站式和充满弹性的融资服务,他们将更能 保有盈利增长。
“目前,马来西亚马赛地服务公司所提供的从2.7% 起的汽车贷款利率,是目前市场上其中一个最低的 贷款率。这协助促进销售。今年首两个月,我们就 有超过400辆卡车向陆路交通局注册,其中采用我 们融资服务的就占了相当大的数目。”
此外,他说,马来西亚马赛地公司为扶桑客户提供延 伸的免费定期维修服务(包括零部件和人工),从原 来的3次增加至5次,覆盖40,000公里或8个月,视何 者为先。至于马赛地奔驰的客户,该公司提供几乎覆 盖一切,除了轮胎和燃油,价格非常具竞争性的各种 维修服务合约。为了鼓励客户使用纯正零部件,茹海 成指出,马来西亚马赛地公司会在促销期间提供高达 40%的折扣(仅限于特选零部件)。
马来西亚马赛地公司将在今年持续扩展其服务 及零售网络,而这将与马赛地奔驰商用车的需 求一致。
“我们珍惜与代理之间的关系,因为大部分的他们 和我们在一起已经有许多年的历史了。我们会先看 一看地点,看该处是否已经被现有的代理所覆盖。 今天,我们拥有足够广泛的申请者供我们选择,特 别是扶桑品牌。因为很多人看到了该品牌的潜能。 我们的两家分别位于槟城和巴株巴辖的扶桑2S(服 务及零部件)代理,已经升级为3S中心,开始销售 扶桑卡车。我们认为他们在将日常客户转换成买家 方面,会更具有说服力。在马赛地商用车方面,我 们将与现有的代理一同成长。” 茹海成补充说。
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